Monday, October 5, 2009

Kingdomality: Shows Myers Briggs How to Communicate!

KINGDOMALITY: An Ingenious New Way to Triumph in Management
By Sheldon Bowles

There are numerous professional books and classic approaches to help define and understand people, people’s personalities and just exactly how a great team functions at a high level. This is an innovative look at people and their process from a “Fractured Fairy Tale” approach. The intuitive part of this book is that it works incredibly well in getting across the real message of finding productive ways to understand one another. Along the journey we learn to find better ways to work together and potentially build a more effective team at all levels; department wide, office wide, or company-wide.

Ken Blanchard, author of the One-Minute Manager and Raving Fans, writes the forward in this book and he truly is someone that understands what it takes to get your point across in a direct way that is both short and effective. More importantly, the book is valuable because it is engaging and easily understood by any casual or serious reader. The interesting takeaway is that, many of us will not be classic personality profiles of one type alone, but the ability to understand characteristics and begin to appreciate idiosyncrasies… is particularly engaging to improve our communication at all levels!

A purest would say…Why dumb-down something like this? I say … why not? People easily get lost in the minutia of a long and expanded psychological explanation. In this case people can relate to how people act and readily see that there might indeed be another way to look at things.

Whether you are concerned about the functioning of your own business organization, or just your own place in the cosmos, this book will give you pause to understand that meanings are in people and not just in words or actions alone. Understanding the motivation and the fundamental approach of your associates is critical to developing new potential, if not terrific outcomes for your business bottom line. I use this book as an exciting way to “set-the-table” for a new approach of tactical and strategic planning within an organization. This exercise really gets people motivated to look differently at their peers... and ultimately themselves.

-- The Performance Detective

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